Wednesday, December 28, 2005

From the season 7 simpsons episode "Summer of 4 Ft. 2"

Homer: "Hi... ummm... let me have some of those porno magazines... large box
of condoms... a couple of those panty shields... and some
illegal fireworks... and one of those disposable enemas. Ehhh... make it two."

Clerk: "My apologies, sir, but the sale of fireworks is prohibited in this
state and is punishable by a f...
[the last customer leaves]
Follow me."

The clerk shows Homer into his stockpile of fireworks.

Clerk: "Any red-blooded, flag-fearing American would love the M-320.
Celebrate the independence of your nation by blowing up a small
part of it."

Later, Marge goes through Homer's purchase.
Marge: "I don't know what you have
planned tonight, but count me out."

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